Monday 26 January 2009

Film Treatment

This is the treatment for the group that i'm in's film. We have no character names so i used various words that i could see whilst typing this. I may have also added random bits of commentary in from me. Anyway here we go:

Title : The FEAR-ter!
Genre: Horror.

A mysterious murder, an accident or a haunted school. When a young girl dies rehearsing a play rumors spread and over the years fade until 50 years later when the chilling tale is unearthed. Strange things begin to happen, but is it the work of a ghost or something far worse?

Note:The film begins with the name of the production companies and distributors etc fading up onto a black screen.
The first scene fades in to show some students rehearsing a play. The words theater and 195_ flash up over the action before fading away. A teacher supervising asks to see the next scene. The girl remains on stage to do her solo piece. She hears a creaking/cracking noise and looks up. The camera shows the roof and nothing appears to be wrong. The girls face turns to a look of horror as we hear a loud crack. The screen turns black as she shuts her eyes and we hear a squish sound.

The next scene begins with the camera zoomed in on the theater lights. The camera then zooms and pans out to reveal some girls dancing with their back to the camera. The words " 50 years later" flash up on screen. We then see someone entering the room who appears to be a teacher. The camera then takes on a point of view of the teacher and we see the girls from the front as another enters onto the stage. The three girls run through a routine together, happy with the progress the girls have made the teacher congratulates them and tells them to stop for the day.

The two original girls on stage begin to talk about the third girl. We learn that she is new to the school and doesn't have many friends yet( for ease later on she will be known as Draft). The two girls Beckon her over and introduce themselves ( for ease they shall be known as italic and publish). They tell Draft that the theater is haunted as a girl died in it. Draft believes every word and a look of pure terror takes over her face. Italic begins to laugh and publish follows suit. Italic tells her that it was all a joke and that its just a rumor. Suddenly the lights go out and the girls are plummeted into darkness, shortly after a door slams shut.

The screen remains black and the title fades up onto the screen before turning red and sliding off. We hear a school bell and the new scene fades in. It shows a typical school day in the life of Draft. We also see Italic ( a popular girl) and Publish ( her dimwitted loyal follower) throughout the day.

After the school day is over the girls go back to the theater to rehearse. They begin to talk about the weird happenings the previous night when they are interrupted by three boys. The boys ( again for ease and because we don't have names for them will be : Shortcut, Bold and Save) are introduced to Draft through Italic who tells her that they too are in the play. As they go to leave Shortcut notices that the rope for the curtains is broke. He tells the others ( who are all now friends... what thats what happens in real films...) to go ahead and he'll catch up. Shortcut tries the curtains but they wont shut. He tries to fix the rope but finds that there is too much of it so he raps some around his neck and body. We see the curtains move slightly before they are quickly pulled shut, hanging Shortcut who is left dangling in the middle of the theater. The scene fades out.

The next day the cast of the school play join the rest of the school in an assembly. Here they learn of the accidental death of Shortcut. Rumors begin to stir about the ghost wanting revenge. However the group feel in no real danger and so arrange for a practice that night, even though they're a member down.

We see Bold doing an experiment in the science lab. We hear a creak outside and Bold goes out to investigate. He looks around but nothings there, and so he goes back inside. He grabs a can of spray that he needs to use which the top comes off, covering him in it. Before he has chance to do anything he is set on fire.

Save arrives at the rehearsal and tells the others that Bold should be along shortly,Publish suggests starting anyway as she has to be going soon. The group take their positions and as they begins to rehearse the camera fades out. It fades back into to show the group tired and Publish ready to head home.

publish leaves the remaining three to practice and heads to pick some things up from her locker. She hears a noise coming from down the corridor. The noise sounds like wind rattling the locker doors, so she merely shrugs and continues. We then hear a loud clunk. She moves her head out of the locker and looks at the camera. Seeing nothing she places her head back inside to find the item she's after. Next we see the locker door slam, beheading Publish. Blood begins spraying from her neck and her body slumps to the floor, creating a pool of blood.

Upon hearing the loud bang Italic, Draft and Save run out to see what has happened. Italic breaks down and slumps to the floor in shock. Save takes a closer look and notices that there is a footprint in the blood. Draft comes to the conclusion that the killer must have missed it when he cleaned up the rest. Realizing that the other deaths weren't accidental and that they could be next, they pick up Italic and run to find a teacher.

They decide to split up, and Draft is the first to find a teacher, who happens to be the one we saw come in watching the first rehearsal. Draft tells him about the footprints and he agrees to help re-find the others and to see if they can track the killer. Draft and the teacher find Save close by, still in one piece. The teacher tells them to look in the theater for Italic while he looks for her in her favorite place, the schools hair and beauty room.

The lights flicker on as italic enters the hair and beauty room. She reassures herself that it's just a bad dream and that nothing can happen in her favorite place. She sits in one of the hair dressing chairs to try and begin to calm down. She shuts her eyes and begins to breath slowly. Meanwhile Save and Draft decide that the theater is a bad idea and begin to head towards the beauty room. Italic opens her eyes and sees a hooded figure behind her. He grabs her head and takes a pair of scissors out of a pot. Italic panics and tries to pull away ripping some of hair from her head. She backs away but trips over another chair. The killer looks down at her and pauses for a moment. He then slices her throat.

Draft and Save open the door and see the killer trying to clean up. The killer spins round and heads toward them. Draft and save begin to run through the poorly lit corridors of school before ending up in the theater. The killer catches up to them and stabs/throws the scissors into save. Draft backs away in horror and ends up trapping herself in a corner. The killer removes his hood and revels that he is the teacher.

Draft asks him why he did it. He tells that the rumors of the girl where true and that they provided a perfect cover up. Draft goes onto ask why them? To which he replies that they were ruining his beloved play and enjoyed making jokes about ghosts, so he wanted to show them how funny they really are. Draft calls him crazy, he begins to laugh hysterically and wishes Draft to break a leg.. or more. Draft looks down and realizes that she is stood on top of a trap door.

As the teacher goes to press a switch he is knocked to the ground by Save. The scissors didn't kill him and he managed to find a large fire extinguisher. He then calls the teacher several foul names and begins to smash his head in with the extinguisher.

Save then drops the extinguisher and shuffles his way over to Draft who leaps into his arms. They hug for a moment before walking out of the theater and into the corridors. The Film ends with them walking down a dimly lit corridor ( light coming threw the glass in the door/ around the frame at the end of the corridor only) hand in hand towards the door. As they open the door light floods into the corridor, creating a flash and causing the two to disappear. We then hear the doors slam and the screen turns black. The credits then begin to roll and the soundtrack starts.

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