Thursday 12 February 2009

Whats, what and whos what?

Here's a list of everything that we've done so far and who's done it.

Shooting schedule: Kendall leaper
Shot list: liam Thomson
Script: Me (Daniel Carnell)
Storyboard: Me
Camera map: Thomas Fox

So far thats it but i'll update the list as we do more.

EDIT: Well we filmed and edited and weren't very happy with the end result so we stopped one night after school to re-film it.

This time its turned out pretty damn cool, it still needs a bit of polish but its alot better. It was mostly edited by me and Kendall chose and found the music. With a bit of polish i think it'll be awesome :)

We got to film mr gibb yesterday and i have to say his acting was incredible, that guy deserves and oscar... no 10 oscars...
We've still got to find 3 people to play the 'future' girls though... Oh and the time scale is going to have to be different to what it was in the treatment as we couldn't get 50's style costumes.

Developing on that it hasn't been easy to film. There are a number of school shows going on at the moment and so the theatre kept changing. Then theres the issue with the theater only really being free for us to use on a wednesday for 1 period. Sure theres last lesson friday but not all of us are free then. So its basically more awkward then we first thought. Then theres a lack of 'actors' that are free when we are, or willing to do it. However were working on it and slowly getting there. We also had issues with cameras and sound levels etc, but there as good as we can do with our amateur equipment. :)

I'll end on a happy note though, as i said earlier we managed to find some music that really helps giv eit a slightly more professional look. I managed to edit text to appear over the top of the footage and we came up with a company name, DLKT productions... no prizes for seeing what we did there. I think thats pretty much everything so far, there might be more after we film the scond half, hopefully not, but we'll have to see :)